Thursday, April 3, 2008

It's all sunny in OHIO!!!!!!

I have returned from sunny Orlando, rested for 5 days from our trip and am now ready to get back to normal (if there is such a thing). I have had a lot of time to reflect on life over the past few days. I have spent a lot of time quietly thinking and listening to what the universe has in store for me.

You know, life is just always changing. I am always changing and evolving. Over the past year I have learned so much about myself. My life has been golden in so many ways. I had a wonderful baby who has brought me so much joy and meaning that it almost scares me. Our family was financially stable enough for me to take a year off to be at home with my children and start a cupcake business. While my store front has been put off for 5-8 years, I now know that I can be an entrepreneur. Before I only knew that it was a goal. I had no blue print on how to achieve it. I had read book after book on starting, financing, marketing and growing your own business. But now I have lived it. I have completed a plan, talked to banks and most importantly talked to people who are doing it. The one thing I can say is that cupcake bakery owners are some of the nicest, friendliest, most helpful people that I have ever encountered. They have shared so much knowledge and "do's and don't" that I could have never gotten from a book. Their honesty and words of wisdom lead me to realize that I can do this BUT I (and my family) are just not ready now.

So Fans of Harmony, I want to thank you for all of your support and words of encouragement. I am going to doggie ear this chapter of my journey and come back to it at a later date. It could be two months, 2 years or 20 years - you know how the universe works ;-) This is my last post for a LONG while. I am beginning a new chapter of my life and I honestly have not really had too much to say about my journey to Harmony lately. The orders are still rolling in but my focus has changed to returning to corporate America and finding a company that will be a good fit for me and my passion for the art and science of food. I did not want to delete this blog b/c it truly captures a HUGE piece of my evolution over the past few months. So I am signing off from Journey to Harmony but you can catch me at starting today.

You should have know that I could not give up blogging. Hope you will join me at my new spot.

Much thanks again, for all of the comments and support, especially Kari and Mo. You sistas are true angels.

Peace, love and most of all Harmony.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Rain Rain go away OR we may be washed away

It's raining........

It has rained so much over the past 2 days, that I have seriously considered building an ark. I am really serious. I have not left the house (except to take the kids to their activities last night). I have so much to do to prepare for our big spring vacation to sunny FLORIDA (leaving this weekend), but I have chosen to stay in doors instead of weathering the storms. I have gotten a lot of much needed laundry done. I have also applied to a few really cool jobs out of state considering I was over qualified for the 2 local jobs that I applied for. I had an over the phone interview with one this AM and I have a 2nd over the phone for the same job with the VP of Supply Chain Management tomorrow morning. I am one of those people that really enjoys the thrill of the job hunt! I know, kinda nuts, but I just love talking to other people about jobs. My best bud from college says that I should write a "how to interview" book.

Anywho, not much Harmony news. I have had to turn down 2 orders for Easter since we will be out of town. Kinda sucks but hey, both customers were understanding.
Oh, I did get an interesting call from the management company that would not return my 10+ calls about the locations we were looking at back in January. They are having trouble getting rid of the location and wanted to know if I wanted to strike a deal. I was tempted to chat them up but decided that my time was way to valuable. I am living in the moment and not in the past. As I said before, Harmony has to come on my terms.

Well, gotta run, Z-man took his first step last night and is now obsessed with walking- its over now.

Stay dry

Sunday, March 16, 2008

This goes out to all the Stay at Home Mamas

The past few days have been good. I have not been stressing about what is going to happen next in my life... ok, I have not been stressing to much about what is going to happen next. I have been making a conscious effort to live in the moment. I have also been baking up storm and that helps to keep my mind off of being at home ALL day with Z-man. I know you are tired of hearing it but I have to take my hat off to all of the mamas out there that stay at home with their children each and every day. I have only been doing this for 11 months and it is by far the HARDEST job that I have ever had. At first it was SOOOOO fun being home watching talk shows, playing with the baby, working out (yep, I WAS working out just after I had Z-man), taking long walks, going to the mall, having lunch dates with other moms, trying to start a business (;-) love how I slipped that in) and having a spotless house. I must say that 11 months into this gig, my stamina has totally fizzled. I just don't know how all of the other moms in our network do this each and every day and feel fulfilled. I am going bananas. I miss work. Don't get me wrong, my kiddies have really benefited from me being home (not sure if that was grammatically correct). I have loved putting them on the bus every morning, volunteering in their classrooms and being here for them when they get home. Most off all I have LOVED watching Z-man grow and change during his first year of life. From a cooing and pooping newborn to a cruising still pooping almost one year old, I will cherish this year forever and ever. It has probably been the most exciting, emotional, joyous, saddest, craziest year that I have had, but I must say that I have grown and now truly know what my purpose is. A storefront for Harmony may be 5-8 years away but I know that I WILL achieve that dream. A year ago, it was something that I wanted to do before I die, but today, I have a plan to make it happen (on my terms) before I turn 40!!!!!

Well, I suppose I have bored you enough. Oh, one last thing, my big Jack and Jill event was postponed until April 11 b/c of the blizzard of '08 (thanks for asking you know who). I did do a 50 cupcake event on Saturday for boys scouts. I forgot to take pictures, as usual.

Anywho, keep living your dreams or at least take the first step to make a dream a reality.

Peace, love and most of all Harmony!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

This is all apart of the journey...Live in the moment

The past few days have been really fun and kinda sad too. My mom has come and gone. We had a blast and her visit has me really longing to be closer to some sort of family support. Yes, we are very blessed that we have several people that we consider family here but there is nothing like living close to those we love and care for. My hubby and I have spent countless hours in the past considering a move. We have already lived on the East Coast near my folks and that was truly trying. The east coast is so EXPENSIVE and the people are um, let's just say that the East Coast and I just don't agree. I was raised in the big city and I really do not care to raise my kids back east. So what about my hubby's family, they live in LA and out bank account is not big enough to live anywhere in Cali. So, what about other relatives. Well, we have folks in ATL, TX and TN. We have considered all of those areas. My favorite is ATL. I just adore HOTLANTA!!! I have strongly thought about TX b/c my sister-in law is a big time Aggie professor.

So why am I saying all of this, um, I am not really sure. I am just longing to be closer to family.
We shall see, I am back on the JOB market and open to relocating. Perhaps, we will find home.
I know that this is kinda the dull part of my journey thus far. I am really trying to live in the moment and not worry so much about the future.

Anywho, now that I have bored you half to death, I am headed to help my kids with their homework.

Live in the moment....

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Our perfect 10!!!

As promised, I have enclosed pictures from Nalah-B's first USA Gymnastics sanctioned meet last Friday. Some of the pictures area a little fuzzy but I thought I would include them anyway. The day was a true adventure for the entire family considering we traveled to Louisville, KY while the Blizzard of '08 hit the KY and Ohio area.
Nalah competed on all events as a level 3 gymnast. Her team placed 3rd and she had a blast. Her results are listed below:

Vault: 8.2
Beam: 7.9
Floor: 7.85
Bars: 6.7

We are very proud of her considering she has only trained as a level 3 since January. Her season is over but she will continue to
train for next year's season. 2016 Olympics here she comes!!!!


We are the jolly Snow Brigade, With our trusty shovels we make a raid.

Just a quick post for now b/c I have become the hot chocolate lady for the time being.
Our snow tally is somewhere between 12-14 inches of snow. We have another small round coming tonight. Daylights savings time is tonight so I know that spring is coming soon!!!

Nalah's stats are coming too.

Oh, that's my hubby digging us out. It was so cool, all the folks in the neighborhood came out this afternoon for fun in the snow, shoveling, and snow blowing. These are the times that make my heart warm and fuzzy.

Friday, March 7, 2008

I wanna take a minute or two, and give much respect due To the man that's made a difference in my world What a man, what a man, what a man...

I must take my hat off to my hubby,Chaka for getting us to Nalah-B's meet safely and back home again in what REALLY is the BIGGEST storm that we have seen since we first moved here in '04.
The meet was in Louisville, KY, usually less than a 2 hours drive but this morning it took us 3.5 hours to get there. We woke us to the quiet before the storm. By 8:30 AM visibility was getting worse but we made the decision to get in the car with plenty of food, blankets and water to take my baby to her first USA Gymnastics sanctioned event. Check in time was 1:30 pm and we made it to the meet by 1pm. Yeah it took us a while but it was so worth is. Nalah-B did well. I will share her stats with you tomorrow since we will be snowed in for sure.

Well, I am off to rest my tired legs.