Friday, January 11, 2008

I want fabulous, That is my simple request...I need a little fabulous is that so wrong?

I am still in High School Musical mode, so please forgive the title......
The above are the vegan chocolate b-day cupcakes for my god-daughter. They are truly FABULOUS!!!!!!!!!!! They turned out nice, almost as fabulous as she is. My god-daughter wanted them decorated with pink sprinkles and just a tad bit of icing.
They even pasted the Nalah-B approval test.
Anywho, I am out..........

Together, together, together everyone, Together, together, come on let's have some fun

We're all in this together

Once we know

That we are

We're all stars

And we see that

We're all in this together

And it shows

All of you who have young and tween daughters all know where these lyrics are from.....Disney's High School Musical. Since I spent most of yesterday evening enthralled in High School Mania with my daughter, god-daughter and her cousins. Yesterday was my god-daughter/diva's 7th birthday. Her mother had an awesome idea to take the girls to see High School Musical(HSM) on ice instead of having a party for her. We had a blast. The evening started off with a nice pizza dinner at my house (on high school musical paper ware, of course!), then we headed down town to the show. The girls were dressed in the latest HSM attire. I also found the cutest HSM handbags that I filled with treats, lip gloss, and nail polish for the girls to enjoy. The girls screamed so much, you would have thought we were meeting Madonna, Michael Jackson or some MAJOR pop star. My goddaughter's mom and I kept looking at one another and cracking up at our daughters and all the other little girls going crazy over the show. It was truly a blast!

I feel so fortunate to have shared this moment together. The girls are still the happiest lil ladies on the planet this AM.

Up for today.......

More follow ups.........still now LOI update........I am starting to get really frustrated but I am channeling serenity and patience.

VEGAN cupcakes!!!!!!!!!!!!

I keep getting requests for vegan and gluten free cupcakes. So today I am working on Vegan ones. My Death by Chocolate's cake is already vegan but I need to come up with a tasty topping. I am hoping my days of developing non-dairy whipped toppings for Rich Product in Buffalo, NY will come in handy today. Pictures to come, of course.

Well, the timer just went off.
Peace and TGIF!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Whoa ooh ooh ooh ooh, just Hangin' Tough

A little NKOTB to start off Hump day, I know what you are thinking...YES! I was a huge fan of New Kids back in the 80's... no shame in admitting this one, doesn't every teenage girl obsess over a boy band at some point. My room was plastered with posters of all of the boys, I even had bed sheets (shh, don't tell anyone). You have to admit that the Wahlberg boys have done alright for themselves, and so has Joey.

Feeling a little under the weather today - a bit of a tummy bug. Hope it is just a 24 hour thing.

Still no news to report. I have put in a few calls and am waiting for return calls.

Up for the rest of the day:


Plan for the weekend - Nalah has back to back practices scheduled this weekend and a meet to attend on Sunday so I am going to have to carefully plan the weekend or we will be wiped out by Monday. Last night was her first weekday practice as a level 3 (6:15-8:15 (3x per week) instead of 4:15 - 6:15 (2x per week)) and it threw off the entire house. Serving dinner at 4:30pm is just not going to work for us b/c the kids were ready to eat again after practice. They also did not get in the bed until 9:30, a whole hour after their normal bedtime. To top it all off, Z-man was still going strong at 11pm. We are going to have to brainstorm something that will work better on Tuesday nights.

Anywho, I am out for now. Z-man is napping and I am going to have to join him and rest for a bit.

Enjoy the sunshine today, winter is making a comeback tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Down on the Farm...the cows go Moo...Moo

The goal for today: Find a local dairy supplier.

I have been putting this off for a while and finally need to narrow my list down to one dairy supplier. My intention has been to purchase ingredients from as many local suppliers as possible. The 4-H office in Columbus was so helpful a few months back. They supplied me with an extensive list of dairy farmers in Ohio. Every last company that I talked to was so helpful and excited for our venture. It also helped that I got my degree from the OSU department of Agriculture, so I am an aggie and know a thing or to about dairy processing so I could speak the farmer's lingo.

Still no word about the changes we requested. I will be on the horn later today to bug a few folks.

Short and sweet today. I have a lunch date with some of the ladies that I used to work with.

I will post an update if anything transpires today.

Monday, January 7, 2008

You are my Sunshine, My only sunshine

Well, fans of Harmony, this post will be short and sweet. It is 60 degrees and sunny with a high of 67 today, so Z-man and I have been out walking this morning enjoying the weather.

The kids are back in school so I am going to open the windows and air out the house. This is the perfect day for a little cleaning and organizing. Besides it will keep my mind off of the waiting game that we are playing.

I also need to spend the day deciding what my Valentines day flavors are going to be. I am also working on a cupcake bouquet for folks to give to loved ones. Here are the flavors that I have worked up and tested on folks:

Chocolate covered strawberry ( strawberry cake topped with dark chocolate ganache garnished with strawberry cream cheese frosting and a dark chocolate drizzle)

Amarischino Cherry (named after my prince Amari) - Cherry infused cake with maraschino cherry bits, vanilla butter cream with a cherry on top

Pretty in Pink Strawberry- Strawberry cake, strawberry cream cheese frosting, pink fairy dust

The last 2 are from my existing menu so I decided to feature them for the day of love. If you have any other ideas, drop me a comment.

Enjoy the sunshine while it lasts.

I am out.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Do a little dance, make a little love, get down tonight ....whoa

I have felt like dancing all day, hence the title. I am such a lover of music from the 70's and 80's. My hubby pokes fun at me all of the time b/c I am probably the only black woman out there with less rhythm than Oprah. But hey the beat is in your head and you gotta move to that beat, right?

Today has been low key. Ran some errands and hung out with the family. Chaka's mom left early this AM and has arrived in LA safely. She will be back, I hope for the opening of Harmony and definitely this summer.

Well, our website launch party has been officially delayed until later this week. Chaka injured his shoulder at the gym and had to go for an emergency massage this afternoon. I hope it helps b/c he was in PAIN.

The kids go back to school tomorrow so its back to the grind. Hope to get an update on the LOI tomorrow. Cross your fingers.

I am out.