Wednesday, January 16, 2008

No One can change your life except for...Don't ever let anyone step all over you...Just hold on for one more day and things will go your way

This one is a long one, so grab a seat and a cup of tea, you're gonna be here a minute.....

I know the title is incredibly long but it pretty much sums up the past few days in my world. The words are from one of my favorite songs from 8th grade, Hold On by Wilson Phillips. My hubby cracks up whenever I put on their tape, I have been playing it a lot here lately. I have no idea why I still have the tape but it still plays and I still sing all of the songs as if I was 13 again. It sounds just as good on my son's Fisher Price tape recorder as it did on my boom box in 8th grade.

Anywho, I came down with a tummy ache and cold on Monday and have been out of wack since then. I still have not been able to track down anyone about our LOI. I pretty much started to get really peeved on Monday b/c it had been almost 2 weeks since we requested our changes. Pretty much no one would call us back. Has professionalism gone out of the door????Long story short I am so glad that we did not sign anything b/c we are not moving forward with our location. After consulting with my business coach and crying on Chaka's shoulder, I realized that it was not a good sign that the strip mall owners and the realtor did not return any of my dozen or so phone calls or that another business had closed up shop in the strip mall since we discovered the space right befoer the Christmas holidays. The sucky part is that we already gave the architect a deposit for a space that we are not moving forward with now. The good news is that the architect did a fabulous job so far (we met with her today) and I will definitely use her once/ if we ever find an affordable home for Harmony. So we are out @ $700.00 but hey, lesson learned.... sign the lease and then hire the architect. I think we got ahead of ourselves on this one. Please learn from my laps in judgement. I was just really excited about finding a location that already had a hood, 2 (yes I said 2) grease inceptors and a walk in cooler. The location was in one of the older(less than 5 years) strip malls close to our house. When the Kroger Supermarket left the strip mall to move across the highway last summer, the strip mall started to loose businesses. All in all it has lost 5 businesses in the 10 spaces that are left. Slowly the spaces have filled back up but their are still 3 spots open. I don't really think that the space is going anywhere b/c there are 2 more strip malls being built right up the road not to mention that the new Kroger is in a brand new strip mall. I just don't understand why no one has returned my calls.

I am still plowing forward, but man am I being tested. I am not use to surrendering and letting the universe provide the answers on its terms. But on this one I am going to be still and really listen.

This part of my journey is kinda comical b/c I have not had the "this is it" moment with either of our spaces. My feelings have been more like "this will do" or "It has potential". I can testify that throughout life when I have compromised on a decision and settled for something it never works out, ummmm can I say PPI.

Anywho, this is where the journey gets interesting. Can I endure this test? Do I have faith to keep the dream of Harmony alive or will it become a dream deferred? Only the universe knows. All I know is, for now I am swamped with cupcake orders this week and I have a kitchen that is being over taken by bags of flour, mixing bowls and decorating supplies.

Harmony is coming, whether it is 2 months, 2 years or 2 decades from now, you will be able to bring Harmony into your life. I am like the little engine that could, I am going to keep on moving.

Until, later, Peace.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

It's all about ME ME ME ME ME, Forget about YOU YOU YOU......

A little Total to set the tone for the next 2 hours. As soon as I finish this post I am going to take 2 hours for ME. Since Thursday I have been working overtime for everyone else. From picking up Nalah-B from a High School Musical sleepovers in Dayton on Friday to spending 3.5 hours at Nalah-B's meet this afternoon I have been running across the universe for my children and god-daughter. This weekend has not had one min. of ME time.

As my oldest, the prince, says.........I'm bushed.

I am headed upstairs to light some candles, grab a book and soak in our jacuzzi. When we nickled and dimed to build our house almost 2 years ago, our bathroom is the one area that we completely splurged on. It is truly my sanctuary. I even wanted to give birth to Z-man there but my OB did not do home births. So I am off to clear my mind and try to take a moment and not over analyze or think about anything ,which is pretty darn hard for me. One of my nicknames is "the thinker" b/c I am always deep in thought. I am going to try hard and be still and focus on me.