Sunday, March 16, 2008

This goes out to all the Stay at Home Mamas

The past few days have been good. I have not been stressing about what is going to happen next in my life... ok, I have not been stressing to much about what is going to happen next. I have been making a conscious effort to live in the moment. I have also been baking up storm and that helps to keep my mind off of being at home ALL day with Z-man. I know you are tired of hearing it but I have to take my hat off to all of the mamas out there that stay at home with their children each and every day. I have only been doing this for 11 months and it is by far the HARDEST job that I have ever had. At first it was SOOOOO fun being home watching talk shows, playing with the baby, working out (yep, I WAS working out just after I had Z-man), taking long walks, going to the mall, having lunch dates with other moms, trying to start a business (;-) love how I slipped that in) and having a spotless house. I must say that 11 months into this gig, my stamina has totally fizzled. I just don't know how all of the other moms in our network do this each and every day and feel fulfilled. I am going bananas. I miss work. Don't get me wrong, my kiddies have really benefited from me being home (not sure if that was grammatically correct). I have loved putting them on the bus every morning, volunteering in their classrooms and being here for them when they get home. Most off all I have LOVED watching Z-man grow and change during his first year of life. From a cooing and pooping newborn to a cruising still pooping almost one year old, I will cherish this year forever and ever. It has probably been the most exciting, emotional, joyous, saddest, craziest year that I have had, but I must say that I have grown and now truly know what my purpose is. A storefront for Harmony may be 5-8 years away but I know that I WILL achieve that dream. A year ago, it was something that I wanted to do before I die, but today, I have a plan to make it happen (on my terms) before I turn 40!!!!!

Well, I suppose I have bored you enough. Oh, one last thing, my big Jack and Jill event was postponed until April 11 b/c of the blizzard of '08 (thanks for asking you know who). I did do a 50 cupcake event on Saturday for boys scouts. I forgot to take pictures, as usual.

Anywho, keep living your dreams or at least take the first step to make a dream a reality.

Peace, love and most of all Harmony!

1 comment:


I hear you about staying home...I put in 9 1/2 years!!! It went fast and SLOW.
Also: I ALWAYS forget to take pics too!!! So funny!
Hang in there, and I'm so proud of you for going for YOUR dreams!