Thursday, April 3, 2008

It's all sunny in OHIO!!!!!!

I have returned from sunny Orlando, rested for 5 days from our trip and am now ready to get back to normal (if there is such a thing). I have had a lot of time to reflect on life over the past few days. I have spent a lot of time quietly thinking and listening to what the universe has in store for me.

You know, life is just always changing. I am always changing and evolving. Over the past year I have learned so much about myself. My life has been golden in so many ways. I had a wonderful baby who has brought me so much joy and meaning that it almost scares me. Our family was financially stable enough for me to take a year off to be at home with my children and start a cupcake business. While my store front has been put off for 5-8 years, I now know that I can be an entrepreneur. Before I only knew that it was a goal. I had no blue print on how to achieve it. I had read book after book on starting, financing, marketing and growing your own business. But now I have lived it. I have completed a plan, talked to banks and most importantly talked to people who are doing it. The one thing I can say is that cupcake bakery owners are some of the nicest, friendliest, most helpful people that I have ever encountered. They have shared so much knowledge and "do's and don't" that I could have never gotten from a book. Their honesty and words of wisdom lead me to realize that I can do this BUT I (and my family) are just not ready now.

So Fans of Harmony, I want to thank you for all of your support and words of encouragement. I am going to doggie ear this chapter of my journey and come back to it at a later date. It could be two months, 2 years or 20 years - you know how the universe works ;-) This is my last post for a LONG while. I am beginning a new chapter of my life and I honestly have not really had too much to say about my journey to Harmony lately. The orders are still rolling in but my focus has changed to returning to corporate America and finding a company that will be a good fit for me and my passion for the art and science of food. I did not want to delete this blog b/c it truly captures a HUGE piece of my evolution over the past few months. So I am signing off from Journey to Harmony but you can catch me at starting today.

You should have know that I could not give up blogging. Hope you will join me at my new spot.

Much thanks again, for all of the comments and support, especially Kari and Mo. You sistas are true angels.

Peace, love and most of all Harmony.