Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Still hibernating.....Being Still......And BAKING CUPCAKES, Of Course!

Well, folks, I am still taking time for me and away from my journey to Harmony Cupcakes. Enjoying my time with Z-man and my other two pumpkins. My oldest prince Amari celebrated the big 08 on Monday. He said he had the best day ever as I tucked him into bed. That really warmed my heart.

Not much to say today, or this week for that matter. Just taking time away, being still and listening to what the universe has in store for me. More revelations to come, I am sure!

Here are some photos from a cupcake order that I filled yesterday for the folks at 53rd bank! They have been some of my best customers! They ordered Over the rainbow, vanilla and 76 dalmatians

Enjoy today........I'm out.