Friday, November 23, 2007

JUST FINE........It feels SO GOOD doing the things that YOU want to do

I just got finished listening to Mary J. Blige's song "Just Fine" (hence the title). I heard it about a month ago and it has officially become my song for 2008. Check it out when you get a chance. Mary has delayed the release of her CD until the 18th of December, so perhaps someone will stuff my stocking with it. I always seem to find a song to kick off the new year.

Today was a lazy day. Chaka worked early and has turned in for the night. We all stayed in our PJ's until it was almost time for Nalah-B to go to gymnastics practice. My dad spent lots of time with Z-man who in turn decided not to sleep b/c he was afraid that he would miss time playing with my dad. There is NOTHING worse than a sleepy 7 month old.

Oh, well, I am going to enjoy this weekend and spend some quality time with mi papa, mi hubby and the kiddies. I think we are going to bowl tomorrow and perhaps trim the tree. We will see.
I think I am going to close down shop and join my hubby.

Stay warm, I 'm out.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

It's all about family

Happy Turkey Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today was truly a blessed day. The bird came out great and so did all Ms. Patti's sides (thanx Patti Patti). I did not use her dressing recipe but the dressing turned out pretty well. My sweet potato cheesecake did not turn out so great. I could not find the bottom to my 2nd spring form pan so I used a smaller pan. The cheesecake was higher but not entirely done in the middle. I also got a little impatient last night while baking it. Hey it happens once in a blue moon. I hope that Z-man's godmothers turned out ok.

We were surrounded by our Cincy family and it was really nice. Great conversation and good food. Who could ask for more. I am truly blessed to have such a supportive Cincy family. We may not share the same blood but you would never know it.

Anywho, I am off to sleepy land. No shopping for me at 4AM or midnight but to Eb's mom, stay safe and stay warm tonight while you fight the early AM crowds.

Peace, Harmony and most of all thanks.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

I'm a baker not a fighter!!!!!!!!

I am preparing to pull off my first Turkey Day dinner without my mommy. She is back east spending time with friends and loved ones. We will see her next month but boy do I wish that I had her culinary skill for tomorrow's feast. As I have said a million times, I can bake up a storm but I am only an OK cook. If I could get by with feeding the kids cupcakes for dinner I would b/c I do not enjoy cooking at all. I love to read about all the latest food trends and come up with new and innovative ideas for menus but the actual cooking is so for the birds.......... or the research chefs.

Tomorrow is a day that I seriously wish that I had a cook or personal chef. I am just not down with the whole raw meat thing. I am not a vegetarian by any means, I just don't care for touching the cold, slimy flesh of an animal. Honestly, I never really have but this feeling intensified when the only class I could take to meet one of my major requirements was a Slaughter class in college. I was completely traumatized for an entire quarter while I was asked to kill, skin and fabricate a lamb (I know I will have to answer for that one), a pig, and a full grown cow. It was tough looking in the animals eyes right before they died. I cried just about every time. They also smelled bad too b/c they were covered in there own fecal matter.
I got a B is the class and I swore that I would never be apart of the slaughtering process again.

Anyway, back to the feast. Chaka is taking care of the bird and I am making most of the traditional southern sides to go along with it. I can promise that everything will be made with love and if it doesn't taste good, blame Ms. Patti LaBelle (the ultimate Philly diva, singer, and cook) b/c I am using her recipes! I love me some Patti and boy can she throw down. I hope to bring cupcakes to her someday in Philly- hey it's all about visualizing right!. I also loved her son's name so much that I named my son the same ( I just used the Swahili spelling). Now that I think about it I would love to bring cupcakes to the following famous people (just indulge me for a moment):
Stevie Wonder (I have loved Stevie since I was in my mama's womb, can I get some tickets Chaka?)
Jill Scott
India Arie
Bill Clinton (I worked on his campaign back in the day)
Gwenn Stephanie (she is the fliest mama around)
Drew Barrymore (my favorite actress)
Taye Diggs (my 2nd husband :-)
Ben Carson (author and surgeon - read his book Gifted Hands and Think Big, they are great)

Well, I better take my baking booty to bed. My hubby and I have an early day and he has fallen asleep in "da chair"(the one that everyone gets in and falls asleep in).

Much love and thanks..........Peace.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Cupcakes Everywhere

I am so excited that the holiday season is upon us. I was just checking out Gymboree's site and they have a new cupcake line for little girls. It is too cute. There are sweaters and purses and tights and dresses, all in cupcakes. I guess I will have to save my pennies for when this line goes on sale.

More later...

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Raise your hand if you're sure

I woke up this AM with a swollen armpit. I know, pretty gross. I was going to rest and see if it went down but my hubby insisted that I go to urgent care (love having this service, it beats waiting for the Dr. on Monday or going to the emergency room). So I listened to the man and went to Liberty Urgent Care. I am glad I did b/c it hurt to even drive to the Dr.
It turns out that my glands were just swollen from using cream deodorant. Since we moved to Cincy 3 years ago, my skin goes through a horrid change every fall. My acne becomes flared up, my armpits get irritated and my allergies go haywire. I keep saying that I am going to get acupuncture but always just suffer through it. All is all I am fine. A little rest, antibiotics and not using deodorant for a little while will get me raising my arm again.

This week will be busy. I plan on baking beginning tomorrow. I have 2 sweet potato cheesecakes to make for Turkey day. The flavors mellow as the cake ages so I will make these on Tuesday. I also have to make Apple Cobbler cupcakes. If I have time I will play around with a few of my winter recipes. I am really excited about the apricot brandy cupcake. It is really a wonderful cake and the topping is really stunning (no butter cream, just apricot preserves and an apricot half). I will be sure to post pictures.

Well, I am off to rest. My arm is still not fully functional.

Happy Turkey Week.