Thursday, March 13, 2008

This is all apart of the journey...Live in the moment

The past few days have been really fun and kinda sad too. My mom has come and gone. We had a blast and her visit has me really longing to be closer to some sort of family support. Yes, we are very blessed that we have several people that we consider family here but there is nothing like living close to those we love and care for. My hubby and I have spent countless hours in the past considering a move. We have already lived on the East Coast near my folks and that was truly trying. The east coast is so EXPENSIVE and the people are um, let's just say that the East Coast and I just don't agree. I was raised in the big city and I really do not care to raise my kids back east. So what about my hubby's family, they live in LA and out bank account is not big enough to live anywhere in Cali. So, what about other relatives. Well, we have folks in ATL, TX and TN. We have considered all of those areas. My favorite is ATL. I just adore HOTLANTA!!! I have strongly thought about TX b/c my sister-in law is a big time Aggie professor.

So why am I saying all of this, um, I am not really sure. I am just longing to be closer to family.
We shall see, I am back on the JOB market and open to relocating. Perhaps, we will find home.
I know that this is kinda the dull part of my journey thus far. I am really trying to live in the moment and not worry so much about the future.

Anywho, now that I have bored you half to death, I am headed to help my kids with their homework.

Live in the moment....