Thursday, November 29, 2007

Shay Shay is coming!!!!!!!!

One of my dearest buddies from college is coming to visit tomorrow. I am so excited to see her. She currently lives in Hotlanta and she is making a detour after a business trip to see me. She is also going to help me evaluate my HACCP( Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points) plan before Harmony opens its doors. She is an auditor for the AIB (American Institute of Baking) and she works with some major players in the food industry.

Shay Shay an I met in an African-American studies class and I recruited her to Agr. Campus and convinced her to change her major to Food Science. Back then, I was the biggest cheerleader for Agr. Campus and used to introduce myself to folks at the campus bus stop and give them my 10 min. spiel of all that Agr. Campus had to offer. I think back to those days and completely laugh. If I had a dollar for every student that I talked to about Agr. campus, Harmony would have a huge contingency fund.

Shay and I did some crazy stuff back then. Her apartment was also conveniently located across the street from the house that Chaka shared with 4 other guys. We were not really into the drinking and partying scene (at least I wasn't) but boy did we do our share of things that will keep us from running for a political office. I will give you one example:
Shay and I answered an ad in the school paper for a company looking for students to talk on the phone. The gig was paying $15+ per hour (red flag #1) but what college student wouldn't inquire???? We called and the woman said that I would be a perfect fit b/c I sounded like a naughty school girl (red flag # 2), she continued to explain the job and let's just say that we would have been girl 6 and girl 7 if we took the jobs. Shay and I never went to the interviews but we laughed for days about the whole situation.

Anywho, I am extremely excited to see her. It has been about a year and a half so we have a bit to catch up on. If I don't write tomorrow its b/c Shay and I are laughing about our college days.

More news to come about week will be Architect interview/ planning week. Hopefully we can get this ball rolling again by Xmas, at this point I have nothing but time on my side.

Have sweet dream. Peace in the middle east............

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