Is it normal to dream of cupcakes? I guess it must be. I had a restful night of sleep where I actually remembered my dream. In my dream, I was dancing around the kitchen singing about cupcake creations. The kids where singing and dancing along and things were splendid. I made a cool breeze cupcake that consisted of a chocolate cake with a deep dark mint chocolate ganache center topped with cool peppermint butter cream dipped in chocolate. Perhaps this was triggered by my discussion with Nalah-B at bedtime about winter cupcake flavors. It was really kinda weird. I did get a cupcake idea out of it though.
Well, I am washing clothes and continuing to get my house de-cluttered and organized. I was esctatic b/c Chaka finally started to tackle the garage. I hate to say it but we still had a few boxes packed from when we moved into this house a year and a half ago. It is coming along and I hope to be able to park both cars in the garage this winter (if it ever comes).
Onto Harmony business, I have a few calls to make today. I need to call Garth and set up a meeting to get the plans for the storefront and talk about when we will transfer the lease over into our names. I also spoke with Dee at the Cincinnati Urban League and she was really helpful. I have a meeting with her next week and hope to gain some insight on how to secure additional funds for Harmony. More on that later.
Peace for now.
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