Thursday, October 25, 2007

The Baking Marathon has begun!

I have been a baking fool for most of today. I got a late start so it is going to be a late night. My goal is to get all 250 cupcakes made before I turn in which will give me all of tomorrow morning to ice and decorate the cakes. I decided on 100 harmony vanilla in the Akers favorite colors, 50 76 dalmatian, 50 cookies and cream and 50 over the rainbow. Of course I will post pictures sometime this weekend. My oven will be on non-stop b/c I have several orders for Saturday too. Life is always good when I am baking.

Well, Chaka and I met with Mr. G, the broker about when we can take over the lease. He is targeting Nov. 15th. My head was literally spinning b/c that moves up our date by 15 days. We will see if we can get everything in place by early next week. We will have to fill out the paperwork, have the lawyer look over the lease and contact the landlord to get approved for the take over all before the 1st of November. I think I said before that my head is SPINNING. Now is the time for STRENGTH, COURAGE and most of all FAITH. I know that this is happening now, but man am I scared. One of my dearest friends seems to find humor in my anxiety. She says that I have launched major food products for several major food companies and fast food chains making them millions of dollars richer and I worry about the success of Harmony. But this is my baby. I have conceived and nurtured this baby for almost 15 years and now I am putting myself out there to be judged by the world. All of my life I have been good at what I have done for OTHER people but now it is time for me to live my dream and I am just anxiously anticipating it all. I want it to be successful, and it will be.

The timer is going off. Say a baker's prayer for me tonight!

Peace, Blessing and most of all Harmony.

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