Happy Valentine's Day!!!!!!!!!
Ok, I am guilty of being a once a week poster. I never thought that I would be too busy to blog but the last week has been CRAZY. I have only had a few min. on the computer each day which has been torture.
The past week I have been sick...well...sick again and now I am getting better by the min. I have also had MANY cupcake orders. YEAH!!!!! I will post pictures once I find time to upload them to the computer.
Here is a quick update:
Good news first: Remember the HUGE event that I was bidding on, I got the gig!!!!! I had to submit 2 rounds of samples, attend 2 planning mettings and then I had to submit a formal proposal. I beat out 2 other bakeries and the hotel's catering department where the venue is being held. I am elated to say the least. This will be MAJOR exposure for Harmony. There will be over 300 of Cincinatti's Who's Who at this event (yeah I feel the pressure but I know that I will rock it). I will tell you more about it as the time approaches. The date is March 8th and I am already in planning mode b/c it is less than a month away.
Bad news: The date is the same weekend as Nalah's big USGA meet in Kentucky. I am praying that she is scheduled to compete on Friday or Sunday so I can be there. Otherwise I will have to miss it (ugh). I sware the work/ life balance issues never go away. My mom is flying in as my backup/ standin and we will make a huge deal the entire weekend.
Well, I gotta run, more orders to fill and the kids have a 4 day weekend so I am officially on the clock non-stop now until Tuesday.
Oh, I almost forgot........if you are going to Vegas (and I know some of you are going soon) stop in and by a dozen or so cupcakes at Retro Bakery (you can find the address on Retro's website). Retro opened this week and we Supermom's have to support one another! Kari and her hubby are the owners and they truly rock!!! When you stop in, please tell her that Claire the baking scientist sent you. I plan on making it out there before the year is over.
I am out. I will try not to be a one weeker again, but hey life is really crazy right now.
I am out.