Well, Chaka's Sweet Potato Cheescake turned out nice, not my best and not my worse looking. This has become my specialty over the years. I have had a love affair with sweet potatoes for several years now but the cheesecake is by far my favorite to make. It is so easy and folks are always pleased. I also make an awesome sweet potato pound cake and a mean sweet potato cupcake (Southern Sweet Pot). It is filled with caramel and is by far my favorite least ordered cupcake. Folks give the sweet potato some love next time you place an order.
Well, I am out for now. Lots to do today and Z-man has been a cranky spanky for 3 days now. He is teething and I wish that I could give him some relief. I have tried everything, any ideas?
More cupcake pics to come.............
Teething is TERRIBLE. I could never find any relief other than TIME. Parenting is fun, right?
My hubby and I keep telling on another that parenting is fun! It must be b/c we were crazy enough to have number 3 in April. I love my kids but man is it hard being at home with Z-man while he is teething. I used to joke that I worked outside of the home b/c I love my kids. Hats off to you for doing it(staying at home) for so long.
10 years is a LONG time...Retro couldn't come at a better time. Good luck on #3! Everyone's always asking about when we'll have "our boy." I say, "I'm having a bakery."
Ya know, our family did not feel complete until we had #3. We are done though, that is why his nickname is "da final chapter".
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