Tuesday, November 13, 2007

No one no one can get in the way of what I am feellin'............

My title not only speaks to how excited I fell today but I am also paying tribute to Alicia Keys album coming out today, yeh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't wait to stop and pick it up. I have not heard the entire album but I love her first song, No One and the title As I am speaks to where I am in this part of my journey. Her song Superwoman is also da bomb and oh so empowering. Check out her album at


then go and buy it. Alicia is a TRUE musician. She writes her own music and tickles the old ivory like no bodies business.

While I have encountered tons of support during this journey thus far, I have also experienced my share of folks that think I am super crazy to be following my dream. Do they matter, not really, but it does hurt a bit to know that folks have called me weak for not wanting to deal with corporate any longer. But hey, folks are always going to what they want, but no one can take away the joy that I feel right now.

Harmony is coming together and I am pretty sure that we are going to be signing our lease before Turkey Day hits. I am also super excited b/c my Dad is flying in for Thanksgiving. He has not met Z-man yet. The kids are also counting the days until we pick up Pop-Pop from the airport.

It is hard at time being 10 hours away from family but this is the path that we have chosen. Besides, Philly and I just do not agree.

Anywho, I need to run to a meeting.

Have a peaceful day!

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