I woke up this AM and I was completely scatter brained. I figured that things would improve as the day went on but they have not. I ventured out to buy some baking ingredients so I could start prepare for my first xmas orders (I have a few folks that have already placed orders for the week before xmas). I packed the baby bag and got everything ready so when the kids buses came I could hop in the car and run my errands. I had my list in tow so I would not forget anything.
Drop videos off (check)
Return car seat cover to Babies R Us (check)
Return shirt that I could not fit (b/c of my Sheera arms) to New York and Co. (check)
buy hat and gloves for Amari and Nalah since every year they seem to loose a set (check)
I made it home by 12:30 and was completely elated until I realized that I forgot to stop and pick up my ingredients. I was suppose to hit GFS to get more baking cups (I have gone through 1500 cups in the last couple of months) and hit Walmart b/c butter is on sale.
Where was my head?????
So I guess I will have to run out once Chaka gets home from work. I can't believe that I forgot the ingredients. I so wanted to make my apricot brandy cupcakes tonight to take to the teachers at Nalah's old Montessori school tomorrow. They have been great taste testers in the past and they don't sugar coat their comments. Well perhaps next week. I am not going to sweat it. It happens. It just seems to be happening more and more as I get older. I can deal with my metabolism slowing down but not my brain.............
Well, I am off to exercise. I have got to get the extra baby and cupcake weight off. Enjoy the above picture of a custom order I did last year. I figured I should post a cupcake picture since I have not posted any in a bit.
Enjoy the day and remember to exercise your brain!
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